Solidariteit en strijd zijn sterker dan repressie!
Nicolò is eindelijk vrij gelaten!
Solidariteit en strijd zijn sterker dan repressie!
We blijven strijden: vrijheid voor alle antifascisten!
RAM announces the First Annual Nat Turner Day.
“The Revolutionary Abolitionist Movement announces the First Annual Nat Turner Day!
To commemorate the first day of the prison strike, RAM announces the first Nat Turner Day this August 21st, 2018. It is no coincidence this is the first day of this year’s Nationwide Prison Strike and we couldn’t be more honored to participate in this historic moment.
On this day in 1831 the Nat Turner Rebellion began. Nat Turner and his band of 70 comrades traveled from plantation to plantation to slay their oppressors and free those they encountered along the way. This act of rebellion is an important precursor for our struggle today. The initiative of these brave people to risk their own well-being to free those held in captivity around them, speaks both to the militancy necessary for community defense and the selflessness of revolutionary struggle.
Nat Turner Day is a holiday for revolutionaries, those who fight against the current forms of slavery and commit themselves to a liberated society. We celebrate those who came before us, and those who today devote their lives to abolishing this horrendous system of modern slavery.
Join us for solidarity with the prison strikers and festivities celebrating Nat Turner, and all revolutionaries past and present, while we bring much needed attention to the struggle of our day!”